P2- Event & Experience Design

Visual Communication in Space & Time

The objective of this in-depth class project is to explore the idea of visual communication as an event and an experience. Most of us are familiar with the concept of “user experience” in the design of web sites and mobile apps, but designers have been creating experiences in physical space for hundreds, even thousands of years. The painted paleolithic caves of prehistoric Europe, as well as Michaelanglo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling murals and the rituals choreographed within them, could be considered early event/experiential design.

Event/Experience Design

The basic project is to choose an event, ranging from retail to educational, motivational to entertaining, then create a sequenced, informational and physical experience over a minimum of three days which introduces, communicates and delivers particular benefits and a desired outcome to a defined audience.

Events, experiences and spaces could include restaurants, shopping centers, libraries, schools,  museums, visitors centers, sports centers, entertainment venues, etc. Your particular project might include the creative development of a new type of informative experience. The underlying requirement of the project is that the event/experience must be informative, beneficial, physical and visual within a designated space or place or a finite span of time.

Group Project

This project will be a three-person design project. Each group member is responsible for the success of the group as a whole and will receive two grades for the final project – an individual grade and a group project grade. The student groups are as follows:

Design Team 1 - Jamie, Riley & Tiffinny
Design Team 2 - Meagan, Aleesha & Laura

You will name and create an identity and positioning statement for your student design group.
All design process, solutions and collateral will be referenced to your design team, with the underlined student acting as the class point person on the project.

Project Schedule

The tentative time span for the project is 8 weeks with the final design and presentation tentatively due Tuesday, April 11th

T                                                                                   TH
                                                                                       F-9      Project Launch
F-14    Team Identity/Project Determination            F-16    Work in Class
F-21    Work in Class                                                   F-23    Work in Class
F-28    Work in Class                                                   M-2     Work in Class
M-7     Work in Class                                                  M-9     Work in Class
M-14   Spring Break                                                   M-16   Spring Break
M-21   Work in Class                                                  M-23   Work in Class
M-28   Work in Class                                                  M-30   Work in Class
A-4      Work in Class                                                   A-6     Work in Class
A-11-   Final Project Binder/ Bog Post/Presentations Due                                                      

Project Launch

In light of the CHANGE from three two-person teams to two three-person teams, class preparations for next Tuesday have changed. Each class member should come to class prepared to share and discuss ideas regarding their design team identity and proposed event/experience project. 

This will include:

1) a proposed name, concept, positioning statement, and thumbnail for your team's identity

2) a short description and statement of a proposed team project, including a thumbnail or two of your idea and concept, as well as an abbreviated brief identifying the proposed sender, audience, message and communication objective

Tuesday's class will be spent meeting as a group and sharing and discussing the proposed ideas of each team member. Each team will then select a final name and have a team member design a team identity, as well as write a final event/ experience project brief with an estimated project process and deliverables list, all due by the end of the class period. 
If your team is a head of the game, you may also begin content gathering and project research as well. I will give you the final projected schedule for the eight week project by the end of class.


Project Design Components

This project will include, but is not limited to:

Activity Research, Concept Development, Ideation, Sketching, Identity Design, Branding, Architectural Design, Market Research, Spatial Planning, Floor Plan Development, 3D Modeling, Architectural Projections/Rendering, Signage, Information Graphics, Marketing and Sales Collateral, Exhibition Design, Furniture Design, Interior Design, etc.

Design Software

This project may require the use of a variety of design-related software including, but not limited to Illustrator, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Sketch, InVision, Muse, SketchUp, Maya, etc.

A class-period will be spent introducing you to SketchUp software early during the project.